Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
E-Health Big Data Analytics Laboratory

Local resources include a set of computing resources located at the premises of our University in the campus of San Giovanni a Teduccio.

The set of resources available has been upgraded. See the parts with green background for the novel additions.

The resources include two different kinds of machines, 1 DGX station by nvidia, 4 machines equipped also with a GPU by nvidia, 1 machine equipped with 3 GPUs by nvidia and a large storage system with about 750TB of SSD storage.

The system is also equipped with a management software based on containers and kubernates.

Resources can be used through jupiter notebooks. A form is available on this website to request a notebook:

Local resources reservation form

In case a notebook is requested, access will be provided to a jupiter instance backed a container. Users can choose the notebook configuration at login time. The configurations differ in terms of hardware resources as well as in terms of python libraries installed. Some configuration are also equipped with a GPU. The container backing the notebook will be deallocated if not used for 1 hour, so to free resources (including the few available GPUs) for other users. If the resources requested are not available when launching the notebook, the notebook creation fails and the user is informed. At this point, he/she can try with a container with less resources or they can wait for the resources to be available. The notebook is attached to a personal storage space that is persistent: files in this space will not be deleted also when the container is de-allocated and are available in all the notebook instances launched by such user. Additional libraries can be installed but should be reinstalled when the container is re-lauched. Access to the notebook is provided through a VPN.

For the Nvidia DGX Station please contact directly Prof. Gianni Poggi who manages this resources.

The system is described in more details in the paper below, please use it as a reference:

Botta, Alessio, and Elio Masciari. "A Research Infrastructure for E-Health Big Data Analytics." SEBD. 2021.
