Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
E-Health Big Data Analytics Laboratory

The following resources are no longer available, sorry. Please consider using the local resources.


Cloud resources include a set of computing resources located in a Public Cloud provided by Amazon and operated by TIM.

The resources include:

  • 4 Hosts (Virtual Machines with Linux) configured as c5.2xlarge with 8 CPUs and 16GB of RAM. For these resources sudo/root access is not permitted. Researchers will have to specify which software they need to use in the booking form and it will be installed by the infrastructure operator. Access to these resources is provided via ssh through a VPN. Researchers will have to provide a public key certificate for ssh.
  • 2 instances of GPU-based VMs operated through Amazon SageMaker. For these resources, researcher will have access to Amazon Sagemaker Notebook. Please read the documentation for more information.
  • 1 Elastic Map Reduce Cluster (EMR) equipped with 2 EMR Core nodes (r5d.2xlarge) and 3 EMR Master nodes (r5d.2xlarge). For these resources, researcher will have access to Amazon EMR Notebook. Jobs can be submitted to the cluster at any time and are processed through a FIFO queue directly by the cluster. Please read the documentation for more information.

The calendars of the current usage/availability of Host and GPU resources are reported below.

Cloud Host Availability

Cloud GPU Availability
